More than 1,200 volunteers participate in a site tour at the National Athletics Centre

The Family Opening Day of the National Athletics Centre and the Recreation Park was held on 17 June, opening the gates of Budapest's new athletics stadium to the public.

Throughout the day, sports fans could also take part in various distance running races inside the stadium and in the stadium park.

Of course, the event could not have been held without the help of enthusiastic volunteers. The day ran smoothly with more than 230 volunteers, for whom it was a great way to get into the mood for the Budapest 2023 IAAF World Athletics Championships to be held World Cup in August. The volunteers helped the organisers in many areas: visitors could meet them at the information points, along the running routes, in the Fanzone or at the race office.

On the opening day, the Volunteer Programme for the Budapest 2023 IAAF World Athletics Championships organised guided stadium tours for more than 1,200 volunteers.

With the help of the volunteer coordinators, who are trained by t the Hungarian University of Sports Science, volunteers were given a tour of the stadium both inside and outside, and were given important information about their work in August.

Photo: Richárd Gieszer


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