Regulations of ICC

I. General Regulations

To students of the International Coaching Course (ICC), the valid laws and statutory provisions are to be respected during their stay in Hungary.

The ICC is organised, controlled and run in Budapest by University of Physical Education Centre (from hereon: Centre).

Participants of the ICC:

  • Those international candidates whose application has been confirmed by the director of the Centre and have paid participation fee, can take part in the course.
  • Participants of the ICC are authorized (for) all the benefits contained in the application form, plus:
    • visiting scientific, cultural and sports organizations of the university,
    • using the university library,
    • turning with all questions concerning successful completion of their work in the course to the Senior Lecturer.
  • Obligations of the participants:
    • take part in the prescribed theoretical and practical lessons
    • carry out all tasks, prepare papers prepared by the professors
    • write notes during the lessons and give occasional account of their knowledge.

II. Study Regulations

  1. Organization form and arrangement of the ICC.
    • The course is an intensive, concentrated version of the Hungarian Level III. coaching system (on a 5 scale European system), focusing more on sport specialization,
    • Course length: 12 weeks
    • All students must prove the reasons for any lessons missed.
    • Justified absences cannot exceed 10 % of the total number of classes.
    • All absences must be justified by the following day.
    • The late or unjustified absences cannot exceed 5 % of the total number of classes from each subject. If so, the participant will not be allowed to take examinations and will receive the participating certification only,
    • Finishing studies before the end of the academic period does not lead to repayment of participation fee by the Centre- according to relevant Hungarian laws.
    • The validity of residential permit ends after examinations and closing ceremony (after completing the course), according to the agreement between the Centre and Immigration policy.
  2. General and sport specific subjects are taught according to the weekly course schedule. Changes in the schedule might appear occasionally.
  3. Forms of classes, obligations: Lecture, consultation, demonstration, practical activity, training attendance, observation of sport events, making notes, preparing training plan, coaching practise, visiting sport clubs, institutions.
  4. Final examination
    • Final exam may be taken by those:
      • whose justified absence does not exceed 10 % of the total number of classes,
      • whose unjustified absence does not exceed 5 % of the total number of classes,
      • who successfully carried out all tasks, set by the professors, senior lecturers.
    • Final examination of the subject begins the week after the last lecture day, or is held onthe examination week that lasts one week at the end of the course,
    • Absence from the exams without acceptable justification means failing the exam.

III.   Regulations for Completing the Course

  1. All participants, who have rightfully ended their studies, complete the course with a final examination. The exams can consist of written, oral or practical requirements in general subjects, sport specific theory and practise.
  2. All participants must appear at the set time and venue to sit for the examination. In case of unforeseen, unavoidable circumstances, which would make appearance impossible, the absence must be justified the next day to the course director. In any other case absence is unacceptable.
  3. The examination has to be taken in front of an “Examination Committee”. President, members of the course’s teaching staff and the director of the Centre may be present.
  4. Results of the exams are marked from 1-5, excellent (5), good (4), satisfactory (3), acceptable (2), insufficient (1).
  5. ICC participants are allowed to repeat foiled exams once, anytime, before the last week, i.e. the examination week.

IV. ICC Evaluation

  1. Average results (according to marks of the examinations)
    • excellent with honours, if average is: 5.00
    • excellent if average is: 4.51-4.99
    • good if average is: 3.51-4.50
    • average if average is: 2.51-3.50
    • satisfactory if average is doesn’t reach: 1.51-2.50
    • unsatisfactory if participants do not have any sufficient 8 exams.
  2. Those successfully completing the ICC will receive a Coach’s Diploma. The diploma is signed by the vice-rector of the University, the director of the Centre, the senior lecturer of the sport and the secretary of the Course.
  3. Official documents of ICC:
    • completed application form, CV of applicant
    • progress report (and absence diary)
    • exam report
    • registration sheet
  4. Documents of the course:
    • Official ICC documents are kept by the Centre.
    • Diploma copies may be given out by the Centre upon request.
    • Lost diplomas can be replaced by the Centre.

V. Closing Regulations

In other cases listed in the “Regulations of ICC”, the director of the Centre has the right to make decisions.

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