On the 3rd of June we held the graduation ceremony of the International Coaching Course (ICC). Altogether 14 students graduated after this 3-month intensive course, supported by the Olympic Solidarity Programme of the International Olympic Committee.
We were honoured to greet some prestigeous guests at the event. Mr. Azeem Khan, deputy head of mission of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Mr. Iljaz Feta, chargé d’affaires of the Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Yassine Yousfi, Senior Manager of the Olympic Solidarity Programme of the International Olympic Committee were present. The leadership of the University was represented by Dr. János Gál vice-rector and Dr. Marcel Pop international director, while our Faculty was represented by our dean, Dr. Zsolt Radák, our international director, Dr. Tibor Kozsla and several lecturers.
Mr. Yousfi was happy to mention that just before the graduation ceremony he met the students at a lecture that he held about the Olympic Solidarity Programme. As he reported, they were very active, asking a couple of questions after his presentation. In his speech he mentioned the 25-year old partnership between the Olympic Solidarity Programme and our Faculty. He said that the Programme uses our innovations in other Courses, such as the video conference lecture between the participants and the headquarters of the Olympic Solidarity in Lausanne.
Dr. Tibor Kozsla is the manager of the Program in TF. In his speech the provided some figures about this semester: 14 students took part in the Course from 12 countries and 4 continents representing 6 disciplines (badminton, football, fencing, handball, track and field and volleyball). He announced that in the 42-year history of the Course a total of 1883 coaches graduated. He thanked the Olympic Solidarity Programme for its continuous support.
After the speeches the diplomas were delivered to the students by Mr. Yousfi, Dr. Radák, Dr. Kozsla and the senior lecturers of the different disciplines.
The final act of the official ceremony was the farewell speech of Ms. Megan Beddo, fencing coach from the UK who talked on behalf of the students. She thanked the teachers and the staff members of the Programme for this 3-months full of studying, challenges and great experiences that all of them will bring back home.
The official ceremony was followed by a buffet reception.
After the ceremony Mr. Yassine Yousfi gave us an interview about the collaboratoin between the Olympic Solidarity and TF.
Mr. Mansoor Al-Anbari, fresh graduate track and field coach from Oman shared his thoughts about the Program with us.
text and photos: Mariann Bardocz-Bencsik
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