Partner meeting at Cologne Sports University

The delegation of the University of Physical Education has traveled to Germany for launching a new academic partnership. During the two-day visit, the representative had formal and informal meetings.

Partner meeting at Cologne Sports University

Prof. Dr. Heiko Strüder, Rector of the German Sport University Cologne and Dr. Gerard King, Director of the Office of International Affairs welcomed Dr. Tamás Sterbenz, Vice rector of the General Affairs, Dr. Judit Kádár, Head of the International Relations Center (IRC) and Andrea Rédli, Coordinator, IRC. On the second day we could visit several facilities of the host University (track and field court, indoor athletics hall, swimming center, fitness rooms and dormitories).

Partner meeting at Cologne Sports University

The substantive negotiation has been continued at the Rector's Office, where both universities presented the possible areas of the cooperation. Dr. Strüder highlighted the short term opportunities of the collaboration. In his opinion, the Doctoral Schools can formulate the first link between the two universities, because the doctoral students can start a fruitful academic and scientific teamwork in the near future. In addition, the intensive short programs and even a further joint training program can be elaborated by both sides. Prof. Dr. Markus Raab, Head of the Institute of Psychology had an exciting conversation with Dr. Sterbenz in the context of their common scientific area of decision-making. Dr. Raab has accepted our invitation to the 2. International Sport and Innovation Conference, where he will be a distinguished speaker.

After the professional meetings, the delegation also had the opportunity to have a short sightseeing tour led by Anneli Jägel, mobility coordinator.

For the next step, the partners have settled the International Scientific Student Conference in April as an excellent opportunity for the University of Physical Education to host the PhD students from the German Sport University of Cologne. An English language section of the conference provides a platform to present their research area and results. The University of Physical Education is awaiting further guests from Germany in May.

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