HUSS participates in international week held in St. Pölten

A number of European higher education institutions were represented recently in an event held in St. Pölten, Austria. The Hungarian University of Sports Science’s (HUSS) partner institution, the St. Pölten University organised a training course for those working in the internationalisation of higher education.

Our university was represented by a team of seven at the event. Flóra Szakszon and Virág Jenes-Kis from the HUSS’s Centre for Sports Nutrition and Dietetics and coordinators from the International Relations Centre (IRC) Vivien Ammerling and Zsombor Gaál met with the Head of the Dietetics Department of the partner university Professor Gabriele Karner.

HUSS participates in international week held in St. Pölten

The Austrian partner showed interest in a possible cooperation in the form of joint training in sports ethics. The Austrian party was also open to consider the realisation of shorter and longer training formats and cooperation.

Representatives of HUSS’s Communications and Event Management Department Eszter Kerekes and Boglárka Mórucz-Ilyés as well as IRC member Györgyi Koppa met with the St. Pölten partner's chief events manager Marlene Hochreiter to exchange ideas. The Austrian partner was invited to Budapest to enjoy one of HUSS’s events at the premises.

HUSS participates in international week held in St. Pölten

The Austrian university’s International Relations Office was visited by the Hungarian IRC delegation, including international coordinators Vivien Ammerling, Zsombor Gaál and Györgyi Koppa. They met staff coordinator Claudia Grötzl and student mobility coordinator Judith Dürnberger and discussed the relations and future cooperation between the two universities.

The two universities signed a new inter-institutional agreement in November 2023, under which both parties look forward to mobility and joint training.

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