2022 autumn ICC programme completed successfully

Having relaunched after the epidemic, the International Coaching Course (ICC) at the Hungarian University of Sport Sciences (HUSS) has been successfully completed.

Sikeresen zárult a 2022 es őszi NET program

The course was run by HUSS in cooperation with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and Olympic Solidarity (OS). The graduation ceremony took place on 6 December 2022, with the ICC scholarship holders receiving their certificates. They were celebrated by the university leadership, the faculty, and the ICC team.

It was our pleasure to welcome Yassine Yousfi, Head of Coaching Projects at IOC, Silvia Lucciarini, OS Project Manager at the Athletes and Development Division and Her Excellency, Mrs. Gjeneza Budima, Ambassador of Kosovo in Hungary.

Ambassador Budima congratulated Blendi Haxhikadrija, the first participant from Kosovo, and greeted coaches from Bahrain, Barbados, Bhutan, Botswana, Sri Lanka, and Tanzania, too. The ICC participants were addressed by Dr Csaba Okros, General Vice-Rector of HUSS, and Dr Judit Kadar, Director of the International Relations Center. 

The seven participants from seven different countries, in five sports all completed the course with honours. After the ceremony, all participants were invited to the graduation lunch. The organisers hope that they will see the new alumni members at further HUSS educational and sport programs.

2025. Hungarian University of Sports Science.
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