International Webinar on the Importance of Physical Activity

In the context of an emerging collaboration between the University of Physical Education, Budapest and the University of Bern, supported by the Hungarian Embassy in Bern, the two institutional partners are conjointly launching a webinar series in May, 2021, followed by consecutive webinar series each term.

International Webinar on the Importance of Physical Activity

“We have agreed upon the prospective topic for this year, and on further webinar series in spring and autumn, too, where we are to highlight the importance of physical activity – Dr. Judit Kádár, Director of International Relations (UPE) claims. – Each webinar has got two presenters from both universities. As for the first lecturers, Dr. Gyöngyvér Lacza and Ágnes Makszin will present on PA for school age children on 20th May along with Professor Claudio Nigg and Prof. Dr. Mirko Schmidt (UB). It is highly important to increase the resilience of our institution, its internationalization and to establish a new effective collaborative platform at the time of the global pandemic crisis. We consider Ubern as an invaluable partner, and faculty at the Department of Health Science within the Institute of Sport Science as highly professional and creative academics.”

The spring webinar series will start on May 20 and will be conducted every Thursday at 9 am (CEST) for the next three weeks. On each occasion, the focus is on enhancing PA for youth, for adults and for the elderly. Following the presentations thatcombine theoretical and practical approaches, the participants will have an opportunity to ask questions, enjoy the discussion and acquire a certificate from both universities.   

“The focus of the autumn webinars will be professional athletes. One of the topics will be motivation in the context of current pandemic crisis – added Judit Kádár. Globally acclaimed presenters will contribute to these webinars, along with the representative of World Health Organization.”

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