It is our pleasure to announce that the University of Physical Education, Budapest, Hungary; the Hungarian Embassy in Rome, the Hungarian Academy of Rome (Falconieri Palace) and the University of Rome, “Foro Italico” holds a joint commemoration and conference in honor of the 1956 events in Hungary and its international impact.
The date of the event: October 17, 2016.
The conference is the first event of the “Rome-Capistrano Memorial Long Distance Running-Cycling Tour”, along with the participation of Hungarian and Italian university students to commemorate the 1956 events in both countries. Italy deserves special appreciation for supporting the Hungarian freedom fighters, who had to leave their home country and Italy became their new home.
The conference is organized by the lecturers and colleagues of the University of Physical Education.
- 15.00 Opening Speech
- Dr. Péter Paczolay, Ambassador of Hungary to Rome
- Ervin Hervé-Lóránth, appointed Head of Institute Falconieri Palace
- Dr. h.c. Lajos Mocsai, Rector, University of Physical Education (TF), Budapest
- Prof. Dr. Emanuele Isidori, Vice Rector for International Relations and Cooperation, University of Rome, “Foro Italico”
- 15.30 Sport and National identity: Hungary from an Italian perspective – Prof. Dr. Emanuele Isidori, Vice Rector for International Relations and Cooperation, Associate Professor of General, Social and Sport Pedagogy at the University of Rome, “Foro Italico”, where he also teaches Philosophy of Sport and Olympic Education
- 15.50 Hungary at Melbourne Olympics / Olympians and the 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games – Dezső Dobor sport journalist, AIPS Executive Committee Member,, Vice-President of Hungarian Sportswriters Association, author of the book “It Started to Be an Olympics”
- 16.05 Coffee Break
- 16.15 Soviet influence in Hungarian Sport / Structure, sport clubs, and participation in international competitions in the 1950s – Dr. Katalin Szikora, Head of Department, Department of Social Sciences, University of Physical Education, Budapest
- 16.30 Role of the College of Physical Education (TF) in 1956 Attila Arday sport journalist, editor of the book “Blood and Golds”
- 16.45 Our losses / Hungarian sportsmen in emigration – Dr. Lajos Szabó historian, candidate, Director of Hungarian Olympic and Sport Museum
- 17.00 Remembrance of 1956 at the University of Physical Education – Krisztina Nemerkényi-Hidegkuti, Head of Department of Sport-Specific Languages, President of Traditions Preservation and Piety Committee, University of Physical Education Budapest
- 17.15 Film
- 17. 40 Humour among the ruins / Collection of Jokes from the 1956 Revolution through the eye of a psychologist – Dr. Judit Boda-Ujlaky psychologist Specialized in Sport, Department of Psychology, University of Physical Education, Budapest
- 18.00 Closing Words
- 20.00 Gala Dinner
The official language of the conference is English.
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