2. Sports and Innovation International Conference

You are cordially invited to the bilingual conference on innovation and sports, organized by the Hungarian National Trading House and the University of Physical Education of Budapest. The date of the event is 9-10 May, 2018 and the location is the Groupama Arena. Our aim is to foster dialogue on recent findings and innovative ideas, methods as well as to stimulate further processes of turning ideas to success.

2nd Conference of Sport Innovation

The latter is of utmost relevance these days in the competitive international arena of sports, especially in the struggle for Olympic performance. Therefore, we wish to invite scholars and other experts in all walks of life and sport activities to share their expertise, good practices, and pursue knowledge transfer. The presenters will offer insight and exchange ideas in the form of presentations, workshops and roundtable discussions with trainers, educators, researchers, business partners and decision makers at all levels. This event is to give special attention to the areas of cognitive development, performance diagnostics, sport infrastructure management and inclusive sport.

Following the conference, an online publication opportunity (Physical Education, Sport, Science, PSS) is offered for the presenters in English and Hungarian languages.

Abstracts for panel discussion English/Hungarian can be submitted by 20 February and 20 minute English or Hungarian language presentations should be submitted by 20 March, 2018 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with subject reference: ”Sportinno reg” in your email. Please also indicate in your abstract with its alphabetic code, which of the above topics in particular meets the focus of your proposed presentation of 20 minutes. Early expressions of interest are appreciated. Proposals should include in the registration form:

  1. the author’s full name, institutional affiliation and email address
  2. the title of the presentation
  3. which one of the below main topic areas are you to address in particular?
  4. an abstract of maximum 400 words, summarizing the paper’s scope and conclusions
  5. a statement indicating whether power point or other digital media will be used and whether internet access is necessary for the presentation
  6. a brief “bio” of the author(s) of maximum 250 words

Main topic areas:

  • A. the innovative social role of sports
  • B. good practices in sport innovation in the Carpathian Basin
  • C. innovative planning and practice in specific sports
  • D. sports innovation in healthy lifestyle
  • E. innovative, fair and health-conscious performance development
  • F. informatics, statistics and analytics: sport science and performance development
  • G. innovative use of decision making in sports
  • H. training, competition and rehabilitation-specific sport technology
  • I. effective financing methods in sports
  • J. knowledge-transfer and sports
  • K. erecting and managing innovative sport facilities
  • L. innovative postgraduate education for sport experts
  • M. modern in selecting sportsmen
  • N. current trends in sport economicsWe welcome submissions from doctoral students and emerging scholars, too.

Prospective Program

  • 8 May, 2018. Tuesday, pre-conference programs (UPE Campus)
    • 10.00-16.00 Council room: International institutional partner meetings
    • 13.00-14.30 Council room: Reception, UPE International Institutional Partners
    • 16.00-16.30 1st floor corridor: Opening of Visual Art Exhibition of Sport and Art
  • 9 May, 2018. Wednesday (Groupama Arena)
    • 8.00-13.30 Ground floor entrance: Registration
    • 10.00-  2nd floor: Corporate exhibitors and meetings
    • 10.00-12.00 2nd floor: Corporate presentations
    • 12.00-13.00 Buffet, Gólvonal Bistro: Lunch break
    • 13.00-13.30 2nd floor event hall: Opening ceremony
    • 13.30-13.45 2nd floor event hall: Introductory Thoughts on Sports Innovation
    • 13.45- 14.10 2nd floor event hall: Plenary lecture 1
    • 14.10-14.35 2nd floor event hall: Plenary lecture 2
    • 14.35-15.00 2nd floor event hall: Plenary lecture 3
    • 15.00-15.30 2nd floor hall: Break
    • 15.30- 17.00 3 workshop areas: Parallel workshops 1-3
    • 17.00-17.30 2nd floor hall: Break
    • 17.30-19.00 3 workshop areas: Parallel Roundtable Discussions
      • 1 / Cognitive Skills in Sports (Hungarian)
      • 2 / Innovative Performance Enhancement in Sports (English)
      • 3 / Medicine for Sport Innovation (H /E)
    • 19.00-21.00 2nd Floor event hall: Reception
  • 10 May, 2018. Thursday (Groupama Arena)
    • 8.00-10.00 Ground floor entrance: Registration
    • 8.30-10.00 2nd floor: Corporate presentations and meetings
    • 9.30-11.00 3 workshop areas: Parallel workshops 4-6
    • 11.00-11.30 2nd floor hall: Break
    • 11.30-13.00 3 workshop areas: Parallel workshops 7-9
    • 13.00-14.00 Buffet, Gólvonal Bistro: Lunch break
    • 14.00-15.30 3 workshop areas: Parallel workshops 10-12
    • 15.30-16.00 2nd floor hall: Break
    • 16.00-17.30 3 workshop areas: Parallel workshops 13-15
    • 17.30-18.00 2nd floor event hall: Closing ceremony

Registration Fee

  • Individual participant, presenter: 34 EUR / 40 USD
  • Doctoral student: 17 EU / 20 USD
  • Upe staff, faculty: free
  • Student: free to participate only the presentations
  • Corporate: 100 EU / 125 USD
  • Corporate with presentetion: 165 eur / 205 USD

We can accept money transfer after 15th of February, 2018. The registration fee can be paid in cash upon arrival, too, however, we are not able to provide invoice on site, only by mail after the conference. More information on payment and the program will be sent in the second circular. Account number: "Testnevelési Egyetem" (UPE), IBAN: HU63- 10032000-00334679-00000000. Swift: HUST HUHB. Please enter to the reference: "Sportinno 2018". The registration fee includes participation in the plenaries and workshops, the book of abstracts, refreshment in the breaks and a reception. The registration fees will increase after 30th of April, 2018. Unfortunately, we cannot accept any corporate application after 30th of April, 2018.


  • Individual participant, presenter: 45 EUR /50 USD
  • Doctoral student: 30 EUR /35 USD
  • Upe staff, faculty: 17 EUR /20 USD
  • Student: free to participate only the presentations
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