UPE Delagation’s Visit in Southwestern United StatesThe representatives of the University of Physical Education, Budapest, namely Prof h.c. Lajos MOCSAI, Rector, Dr. habil Zsombor LACZA, Scientific Vice rector and Dr. habil Judit KADAR, Director of International Relations visited several sports related institutions in Southwestern United States.
The delegation’s program included:
- University of Colorado, Denver, Aurora (Anschutz Medical Campus): meeting Meeting Iñigo San Millán, PhD at the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Division of Sports Medicine, University of Colorado School of Medicine
- University of Colorado (Boulder Campus), Sports Medicine and Performance Center: meeting Ryan Kohler, MS, CSCS, Sports Performance Manager, Sports Nutritionist, USA Cycling Level 1 Coach, Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist
- National Strength and Conditioning Association’s World (NSCA) Headquarters, Colorado Springs: meeting Greg Nockleby, NSCA International Relations chief officer and Carwyn Sharp, NSCA Chief Science Officer
- USA Olympic Center (USOC), Colorado Springs: meeting Mike Beagley, Manager, USOC Community Relations officer
- University of New Mexico (Albuquerque) meetings:
- Dr. Paul Edmunds, CELAC
- Department of Health, Exercise and Sports Sciences (HESS) at the Sport Administration Center (Johnson Center), Head of department Dr. Todd Seidler
- Dr. Christina Perry, Interim associate dean of research, Associate professor of Heath and Exercise Science
- Lunch at the Professors Club with Prof. Gabriel Melendez, Hungarian Fulbright alumnus
- meeting Provost Richard Wood
- visiting the South Campus and the Pit, basketball training with Bill Ferrara, associate coach
- Further meetings:
- Dr. Nicole Tami, GEO director, discussing the details, further steps of the partnership
- Anette Mares-Duran, Study abroad advisor, discussing how UNM faculty could facilitate faculty led prog.
- Karen Gaudrault, Sport pedagogy faculty, discussing the student exchange in PE teacher training
- Kyle Weindel Associate Head Volleyball coach at the Lobo Center for Student-Athlete Success
- Dinner with the representatives of the Albuquerque Hungarian Club, Anna Powless and Éva Sanchez
- UTEP, El Paso, Texas College of Health Sciences: meeting the Human Kineziology Department
- Signing of MoU with President Natalicio, in the presence of Dr Tamás Novák, Cultural and scientific attache for Hungary in New York
- Visiting the campus, including the Golden Age Program
Lajos Mocsai,United States of America,Judit Kádár,international cooperation,delegation,Zsombor Lacza
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