During the 2023 World Athletics Championships, the Global Athletics Coaching Academy will bring you the best athletics coaches to the Hungarian University of Sports Science.
Starting on 19 and ending on 27 August, an English language side event of the Global Athletics Coaching Academy (GACA) called Coaches Club will take place in the Assembly Hall of the Hungarian University of Sports Science for almost ten days.
"We welcome not only professionals and athletics coaches, but also HUSS students and teachers to the Coaches' Club, which will feature in-depth analyses of the world championships and interviews," coaching legend Frank Dick, the event's host told our website, adding that this is the fourth time the event has been organised. “It's a great opportunity for the participants to create and expand their global network and professional knowledge as well as learn from the best athletics coaches in the world."
These coaches include among the many Terry Crawford from the US, who was selected as the head coach of the U.S. Women’s Olympic Team in 1988, former long jumper Jeremy Fischer, who currently works with the United States Olympic Training Center, former British high jumper Dalton Grant, who was a board director of the London 2012 Olympic bid team and he was also a captain of the Great Britain & NI team or Rita Engelbrecht, former South Africa Head Hurdles coach and coach to Olympic and World class hurdlers.
Each day between 14:30 and 15:45 there will be an analysis of the previous evening and that morning as well as preview of the Championships, while the rest of the programme ending at 17:00 will feature coach interviews in the Assembly Hall. It is important to mention that after the World Championships, registered guests will receive a certificate of participation.
As part of the Coaches Club, a symposium will be held on the morning of 21 and 22 August. In addition to the renowned foreign professionals, the event will feature HUSS teachers as well.
Professor Zsolt Radák, Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation’s lecture is entitled „The trainability of endurance and strength training", Professor Éva Martos, sports physician and Senior Advisor to HUSS Rector will speak about the principles of nutritional supplementation, Dr András Hegyi, research fellow at the Department of Kinesiology, will give a lecture on „Hamstring muscle function in sprinting and in various exercise", while Professor József Tihanyi will discuss „"How force-velocity- power (FVP) relationship can be used for estimation of abilities and control of training intensity."
Zoom webinar links will be available on GACA website, you can register for the event here, while this is the detailed description of the programme. Click here to view the Symposium programme.
As you known, HUSS is heavily involved in the World Championships volunteer programme, and the university’s brand new facility in Csörsz Street will be one of the training venues for the World Championships. The World Athletics will also hold a half-day scientific conference in the Athens Hall of the university on 22 August.
Photo: athleticscoaches.eu
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