# Gedik University

December közepén Budainé dr. Csepela Yvette a Magyar Testnevelési és Sporttudományi Egyetem (TF) Pedagógia Tanszékének egyetemi docense oktatással egybekötött látogatást tett az Isztambuli Gedik Egyetem Sporttudományi Karán.

Dr Yvette Budainé Csepela, associate professor at the Department of Pedagogy of the Hungarian University of Sports Science (TF) visited our Turkish partner institution Gedik University in Istanbul within the framework of the Erasmus+ program.

Between 17 and 27 March, assistant professor of our university, Dr Míra Ambrus was received by our partner institution, Gedik University in Istanbul, where she held a seminar within the framework of a joint international project.

Dr habil. Tamás Csányi, Head of the Department of Physical Education Theory and Methodology participated in a study covering 197 countries. The study was published in The Lancet, one of the world's best-known scientific journals.


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